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Which diamond shape best suits your finger?

When you go clothes shopping, you always buy garments which flatter your body shape - the same rule applies to accessorizing your finger. You want your ring to make the most of your finger shape so it flatters your hand - and the diamond - as much as possible. Certain shapes and cuts of diamond suit certain hand and finger shapes. Although you might have your preferences, some diamond shapes simply don't look good on certain types of fingers. Let's explain.

When it comes to purchasing a ring, whether it is from a jeweller like Suranas Jewelove or it is from the Pandora range, the first thing you should do is get your ring size measured. Most jewellers offer this service for free. The next step is to determine which shape of diamond best flatters your hand. There are many shapes of diamond to choose from including round, oval and marquise shaped diamonds.

Round Brilliant Diamonds

Round brilliant diamonds are timeless classics which never go out of style. They are certainly the most popular of all the diamond shapes and luckily, they suit most fingers. The only thing you need to worry about with round diamonds is how big or small the gem is. As a general rule of thumb, the diamond should be proportional to the finger it is on. It should elegantly balance the shape of your finger. If you have short, tiny, slender fingers don't go above 1.5cts, and those with long, thick fingers should try to stay above a 1ct diamond.

Marquise Diamonds

The marquise diamond is a Rugby ball or American football shaped gem which only works on a very select kind of finger. This style looks best on long, slender fingers since the gem will compliment the long streamline shape of your finger. On small fingers the marquise diamond is far too overpowering and big, but on thick fingers the diamond will look small and be more of an eyesore. However, on a long, elegant and slender finger the diamond is complimented perfectly and the flow is exquisite.

Oval Diamonds

Oval diamonds suit most fingers, however the thing to watch out for is the width of the diamond. Those with long slender fingers should wear thin oval gems, while those with long, thick fingers can really go big with this diamond. Stick with small, thin ovals if you have short, slender fingers, otherwise the width of the diamond will overtake your finger and it will look gaudy.


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